Disable Welcome Email for New Members in Microsoft 365 Group

When a new user is added or joined as a member of a Microsoft Office 365 group, they will receive an Email message to welcome into the group. In some scenarios (ex: when migrating groups), we may need to turn off the welcome email from the Microsoft 365 group.

Up until now, there is no way to change this setting via User Interface (UI) from the Admin center. In PowerShell, we can use the Set-UnifiedGroup cmdlet by setting the property UnifiedGroupWelcomeMessageEnabled as $False. Before you start, run the following command to connect the Exchange Online PowerShell module.


The following command turn-off the welcome email message notification for the given group/team.

Set-UnifiedGroup "<GroupName>" -UnifiedGroupWelcomeMessageEnabled:$false

Now you have disabled the welcome email for the given group and any new user added to the group will not receive the welcome message from now on. Run the following command to check the setting is successfully updated or not.

Get-UnifiedGroup "<GroupName>" | Select DisplayName, WelcomeMessageEnabled

Disable Welcome Email for all Microsoft Office 365 Groups

The following command first retrieves all the M365 Groups where the welcome message is enabled and turn-off the setting in all the groups.

Get-UnifiedGroup -ResultSize Unlimited  | Where-Object {$_.WelcomeMessageEnabled -eq $true}  | Set-UnifiedGroup -UnifiedGroupWelcomeMessageEnabled:$false

Use the below command to retrieve the welcome message enabled status for all the groups.

Get-UnifiedGroup -ResultSize Unlimited  | Select DisplayName, WelcomeMessageEnabled