
MorganTechSpace is a free resource site for Office 365 Users and Administrators. The main goal of this site is to provide quality Tips, Tricks, Scripts, FAQs, and Articles that allow 365 users to easily manage and fix issues in Office 365 and related services.

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Software Developer

9 thoughts on “About”

    • Sorry I think we can't prevent users from deleting folder as we are creating folder in user's own desktop location they should have complete full access to do anything.

  1. Hi Morgan

    Thank you so much for your blog. I have question for you. I want to find disabled users in my office 365 group but i am not able to get correct syntax in powershell command

    Get-UnifiedGroupLinks -Identity Office365groupname -LinkType members -ResultSize unlimited | ?{$_.ExchangeUserAccountControl -like "Accountdisabled"} select -exp alias

  2. Twice in one day you helped me out big time, and you get straight to the point. Many thanks. A refresher from the usual forum posts where someone just puts a link to some very long Microsoft Powershell article explaining EVERYTHING about it, when really you only need .1% of the information on any particular [Microsoft] page. EXAMPLE is the "Best Answer" on this page: https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/2122090-powershell-o365-get-msoluser-is-not-recognized-name-of-a-cmdlet, in which the person redirects the question asker to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/enterprise/powershell/connect-to-office-365-powershell.

    Instead, I found your page: https://www.morgantechspace.com/2018/06/powershell-get-msoluser-is-not-loaded.html

    … and my problem was gone in less than 1 minute. Kudos.


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