How to disable Clutter in Office 365 Mailbox using Powershell

Clutter is a new mailbox management feature in Office 365 and it analyzes how you process all your emails and moves the “un-important mails” out of your Inbox folder and places that into the Clutter folder. This feature will be useful to move marketing and news related messages from Inbox, but for the very long time we are using E-mail Rules to move and organize mails and it has been working good, so this feature may not needed for some users.

This Clutter feature can be turned on or off via a setting in Outlook Web App (OWA) and but not from within Outlook Desktop client (not even Outlook 2016). So we can use the Exchange Online powershell cmdlet Set-Clutter to enable or disable clutter feature in mailbox.

Before proceed, first we need to connect Exchange Online powershel module by running below commands:

$o365Cred = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $o365Cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session

Run the below command to disable the clutter for single mailbox.

Set-Clutter -Identity “[email protected]” -Enable $false

You can enable it by just passing $true value to –Enable parameter.

Set-Clutter -Identity “[email protected]” -Enable $true

Run the below commands if you want to remove this clutter feature from all the users mailbox.

Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Set-Clutter -Enable $false

Note: After turning off the clutter feature, the clutter folder will still exist but no emails moved into this folder.

Disable Clutter for specific set of users

You can use the below powershell commands to remove clutter feature for multiple users.

$users = "[email protected]","[email protected]"
ForEach ($user in $users) {
Set-Clutter -Identity $user  -Enable $false 

Disable Clutter for bulk mailbox users from CSV

Use the below powershell commands to disable clutter for bulk office 365 users by importing users from CSV file. Consider the CSV file Users.csv which contains set of mailbox users with the csv column header UserPrincipalName.

Import-Csv 'C:\Users.csv' | ForEach-Object {
$user = $_."UserPrincipalName"
Set-Clutter -Identity $user  -Enable $false
