PowerShell : Show Progress Bar, Status and % Completed for Long Running Script

You can use the Write-Progress cmdlet to display progress status and percentage of process completed for a long running command or script. In normal cases you can use Write-Host command but if your script is going to run more time then you should use Write-Progress command to display the clear progress status.

The following command run the timer for 10 seconds and it update progress status for every second.

1..10 | ForEach {
Start-Sleep -s 1
Write-Progress -Activity "Process Started : " -Status "Total items processed: $_"

We can also display the progress bar by setting the parameter –PercentComplete

1..100 | ForEach {
Start-Sleep -m 100
Write-Progress -Activity "Process Started" -Status "Total items processed: $_" -PercentComplete $_
Show PowerShell Process Output Status 

We can also show the remaining time in seconds by setting the parameter –SecondsRemaining

1..10 | ForEach {
Start-Sleep -s 1
Write-Progress -Activity "Process Started" -Status "Total items processed: $_"  -SecondsRemaining (10-$_)
Display PowerShell Progress Bar Status
