Recover Deleted Emails in Office 365 Mailbox using PowerShell

As an Administrator you might requested by an Outlook user to restore the deleted e-mail messages. In Office 365, you can search and restore the deleted items using Exchange Online Powershell cmdlets Get-RecoverableItems and Restore-RecoverableItems.

Before proceed, first we need to connect Exchange Online powershel module by running below commands:

$o365Cred = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $o365Cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session


Permissions Required

To run the cmdlets Get-RecoverableItems and Restore-RecoverableItems, you must have one of the Exchange RBAC roles with the “Mailbox Import Export Role” assigned. By default, this role isn’t assigned to any role group. Typically, you assign a role to a built-in or custom role group. Or you can assign a role to a user, or a universal security group. The below example add the role to the Organization Management role group:

New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name "Import_Export_Organization_Management" -SecurityGroup "Organization Management" -Role "Mailbox Import Export"

Note: You have to create a new Exchange Online PowerShell session to get new role permissions.

Restore deleted messages to their original folder location

We can use the Restore-RecoverableItems cmdlet to restore each item to its original location and this cmdlet takes the same search parameters that you used to find items.

Restore-RecoverableItems -Identity "AlexW" -SourceFolder RecoverableItems -SubjectContains "Important”

Restore deleted messages from bulk users mailbox

You can use the below powershell commands if you want restore deleted emails from set of users’ mailbox by importing user details from CSV file.

Import-Csv 'C:\Users.csv' | ForEach-Object {
$mailbox = $_."UserPrincipalName"
Write-Host "Recovering messages for" $mailbox -Foreground Yellow
Restore-RecoverableItems -Identity $mailbox -SourceFolder RecoverableItems -SubjectContains "Important" -FilterItemType Ipm.Note