Convert Office 365 Group as Public or Private

When you create an Office 365 group, you can choose the group type as public or private. Previously in Office 365, you can’t change the privacy setting once you created the group. Now, you can change the privacy settings using PowerShell or OWA.

Method 1: Convert Office 365 Groups privacy setting using PowerShell

We can use the Exchange Online powershell cmdlet Set-UnifiedGroup to modify an Office 365 Group. The below example changes the Office 365 Group named “Sales Department” from a public group to a private group.

Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Sales Department" -AccessType Private

The below example converts a private group to public group.

Set-UnifiedGroup -Identity "Sales Department" -AccessType Public

Method 2: Change an Office 365 Group’s privacy type from OWA

– Open Outlook on the web (OWA).
– Navigate to the Office 365 group that you want to change the privacy setting.
– From the group page, click Edit group option as shown in below image.

Convert Office 365 Group as Public or Private Outlook on the web

– Under Privacy, select Public or Private as per your need and click Save to convert the group.

Convert Office 365 Group as Public or Private Outlook on the web