Get AD Nested Group Members with Powershell

This article helps you to query nested AD group members using powershell. We can get group members by using the Active Directory powershell cmlet Get-ADGroupMember. The Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet provides the option to get all the nested group members by passing the parameter -Recursive. This powershell script also handles circular membership (infinite loop) problem.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

function Get-ADNestedGroupMembers {
  param ( [String] $Group )            
  Import-Module ActiveDirectory
  $Members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Recursive

Get-ADNestedGroupMembers "Domain Admins" | Select Name,DistinguishedName

Export Nested Group Members to CSV

We can export the nested group members output to csv file by using the powershell cmdlet Export-CSV.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

function Get-ADNestedGroupMembers {
  param ( [String] $Group )            
  Import-Module ActiveDirectory
  $Members = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Recursive

Get-ADNestedGroupMembers "Domain Admins" | Select Name,DistinguishedName |
Export-CSV "C:\ADNestedGroupMembers.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8