Powershell: Find difference between two Dates

We can easily find difference between two dates with powershell. We can get difference in Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds.

Total Days between two dates

The below powershell script show the total number of days between two dates.

$FromDate  =[DateTime] "04/20/2015"
$ToDate      =[DateTime] "07/07/2015"

($ToDate - $FromDate).TotalDays

Total Hours between two dates

The below powershell script show the total number of hours between two times.

$FromDate =[DateTime] "07/05/2015"
$ToDate     =[DateTime] "07/07/2015"

($ToDate - $FromDate).TotalHours

Total Minutes between two times

$FromDate = [DateTime] "07/07/2015 1:47:31 PM"
$ToDate     = [DateTime] "07/07/2015 3:47:31 PM"

($ToDate - $FromDate).TotalMinutes
