Export Disabled AD Users to CSV with Powershell

We can Ffnd and export disabled AD Users using powershell cmdlets Search-ADAccount and Export-CSV.

The below powershell lists all the disabled AD users:

Search-ADAccount –AccountDisabled -UsersOnly

Search-ADAccount cmdlet lists both users and computers, we need to pass the parameter -UsersOnly to list only users.

Find and List all Disabled AD Users

The following command find the disbled ad users by passing the parameter AccountDisabled into Powershell cmdlet Search-ADAccount and list the selected properties of all disabled Active Directory users.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Search-ADAccount –AccountDisabled -UsersOnly |
 Select -Property Name,DistinguishedName

Find Disabled AD Users from specific OU:

We can set target OU scope by using the parameter SearchBase in Search-ADAccount cmdlet. This following command select and list all disabled Active Directory users from the Organization Unit ‘TestOU‘.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Search-ADAccount  -SearchBase "OU=TestOU,DC=TestDomain,DC=Local" –AccountDisabled -UsersOnly |
 Select -Property Name,DistinguishedName

Export Disabled AD Users to CSV using Powershell

We can export powershell output into CSV file using Export-CSV cmdlet. The following command export selected properties of all disabled Active Directory users to CSV file.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Search-ADAccount –AccountDisabled -UsersOnly |
 Select -Property Name,DistinguishedName |
 Export-CSV "C:\DisabledADUsers.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
Find Disabled Active Directory Users using Powershell

CSV Output of Disabled AD User Accounts:

Find Disabled AD Users using Powershell
