Start, Stop and Restart Windows Service using Powershell

In Powershell, we have dedicated cmdlets for every operations to manage Windows Services like Start, Stop, Restart and to display information of a Windows Service and you can even easily manage Services from Remote Computer.


Start Windows Service using Powershell

You can start a windows service by using Start-Service cmdlet.

Start-Service <service-name> -PassThru

The parameter -PassThru force the command to wait until service started and displays its running status.

Start-Service "RemoteRegistry" -PassThru
Start, Stop and Restart Windows Service using Powershell

If you want to start a service by its display name, you can do it by simply passing display name with the argument -displayname.

Start-Service -displayname <service-display-name> -PassThru

Below command start the RemoteRegistry service by using its -display name “Remote Registry”.

Start-Service -displayname "Remote Registry" -PassThru

Stop Windows Service using Powershell

You can stop a windows service by using the Powershell cmdlet Stop-Service.

Stop-Service <service-name> -PassThru

Here, The parameter -PassThru force the command to wait until service stopped and displays status.

Stop-Service "RemoteRegistry" -PassThru

Restart Windows Service using Powershell

You can restart a windows service by using the Powershell cmdlet Restart-Service.

Restart-Service <service-name> -PassThru

Here, the parameter -PassThru force the command to wait until the service get restarted completed and displays its running status.

Restart-Service "RemoteRegistry" -PassThru
Start, Stop and Restart Windows Service using Powershell

Start, Stop and Restart Windows Service in Remote Computer

If you want to start, stop and restart a service in Remote machine, you can do it by using two Powershell cmdlets Get-Service and any one of the manage service cmdlet. First, you can get the windows service object from remote computer by using Get-Service cmdlet and you can do any action like Start,Stop and Restart by using Remote Service object.

Get-Service <service-name> -ComputerName <remote-pc-name> | Start-Service -PassThru

Start the RemoteRegistry service in Win7-PC by using below command:

Get-Service "RemoteRegistry" -ComputerName "Win7-PC" | Start-Service -PassThru

Restart the RemoteRegistry service in Win7-PC by using below command:

Get-Service "RemoteRegistry" -ComputerName "Win7-PC" | Restart-Service -PassThru

Stop the RemoteRegistry service in Win7-PC by using below command:

Get-Service "RemoteRegistry" -ComputerName "Win7-PC" | Stop-Service -PassThru

List all Windows Services and its running status

You can list all the services with display name and running status by using Powershell cmdlet Get-Service.

Start, Stop and Restart Windows Service using Powershell

Pass service name, if you want to get status of a single windows service.

Get-Service "RemoteRegistry"
