How to check PowerShell Version
We can use $PSVersionTable.PSVersion to determine what version of PowerShell is installed on a computer. If the variable does not …
We can use $PSVersionTable.PSVersion to determine what version of PowerShell is installed on a computer. If the variable does not …
Checking if a string is NULL or EMPTY is very common requirement in Powershell script. If we do not checked …
You can convert Date to Ticks and Ticks to Date Time using the PowerShell Get-Date cmdlet. Convert Ticks to DateTime …
If you are working with Active Directory, you should have come across the attributes like LastLogonTimestamp. This LastLogonTimestamp attribute is …
We can check whether the powershell remoting is configured or not in a particular remote computer using the powershell cmdlet …
We can run powershell commands on remote computer using the powershell cmdlet Invoke-Command. Syntax of Invoke-Command: Invoke-Command -ComputerName COMPUTER -ScriptBlock …
You can enable powershell remoting on computers running Windows 7 and later versions which includes WinRM 2.0 or later. The …
We can check and test if a file or folder exist or not by using the PowerShell cmdlet Test-Path. The below …
We can test and check if a file exist or not by using the PowerShell cmdlet Test-Path and we can …
We can read the owner and permissions of a file, folders and registry keys with Powershell’s Get-Acl cmdlet. In this …