Get Access Token by Delegated permissions using PowerShell

In this blog, we will explore how to get Access Token for Delegated permissions (On behalf of a user) for a Microsoft 365 user in PowerShell. We can acquire a token with client credentials grant flow for application permissions. For delegated permissions, we can use the MSAL.PS library to acquire a new access token with an Azure AD application.


Install MSAL.PS module

We can use the MSAL.PS library to acquire OAuth tokens for an Azure AD app with public and confidential clients. Authentication with a public client can be interactive, integrated Windows auth, or silent (aka refresh token authentication). Run the following command to install the MSAL.PS module from PowerShell Gallery.

Install-Module -Name MSAL.PS

Once you installed the module, you can use the built-in help commands in PowerShell to learn about each command in the module.

## View usage examples.
Get-Help Get-MsalToken -Examples

## View full help.
Get-Help Get-MsalToken -Full

Get Access Token by Interactive Sign-in

Run the following commands to get Access Token on behalf of a user by sending the required delegated permission Scopes as comma-separated values. The commands will prompt an interactive sign-in pop-up to complete the login process and grant consent to use the requested scope permissions.

In this example, we used the Microsoft Graph PowerShell app id. If needed, use your own Azure AD app. Refer to this post for more details about How to Register and Configure Azure AD application.

#Provide your Office 365 Tenant Domain Name or Tenant Id
$TenantId = ""
#$TenantId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
#Used the Microsoft Graph PowerShell app id. You can create and use your own Azure AD App id if needed.
$MsalParams = @{
   ClientId = $AppClientId
   TenantId = $TenantId
   Scopes   = '',''
$MsalResponse = Get-MsalToken @MsalParams
$AccessToken  = $MsalResponse.AccessToken

#Display the token in the PS console

Get Access Token by User credentials without user interaction

Sometimes, we may need to get access token without user interaction (without a login-prompt window) by passing the required user credentials. We can also use the MSAL.PS library for unattended sign-in access using ROPC flow.

Run the following PowerShell commands to get an OAuth token on behalf of a user by providing the required user credentials (username and password).

#Provide your Office 365 Tenant Domain Name or Tenant Id
$TenantId = ""
#$TenantId = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
#Used the Microsoft Graph PowerShell app id. You can create and use your own Azure AD App id if needed.
$MsalParams = @{
   ClientId = $AppClientId
   TenantId = $TenantId
   Scopes   = '',''

#Specify user credentials
$username = "[email protected]"
$password = "user_password"
$securePwd = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $securePwd)

#If required, use Get-Credential cmdlet to get user credentials
#$Cred = Get-Credential

#Acquire token by passing user credentials  
$MsalResponse = Get-MsalToken @MsalParams -UserCredential $Cred
$AccessToken  = $MsalResponse.AccessToken
#Display the token in the PS console

Note: The required user consent (or Admin consent) should have been already granted for the requested Delegated permission scopes. If the required consent is not provided, you will get the following error message.

Get-MsalToken : AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID ’14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e’ named ‘Microsoft Graph PowerShell’. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource.

To provide the required consent, you need to use the above Interactive login method (one time alone) and then use this method. If the permission requires Admin consent, then the consent should have been provided by the Global administrator account to use the permission for all users (Consent on behalf of your organization), so that normal users can use the app to obtain the token.

Use the Access Token to call Microsoft Graph API

Once you obtained the required Access Token, use the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet to call the Rest API with the access token. The below commands call the list users endpoint in the Microsoft Graph API resource and retrieve details of Azure AD users.

#Provide your access token 
#Form request headers with the acquired $AccessToken
$headers = @{'Content-Type'="application\json";'Authorization'="Bearer $AccessToken"}
#This request gets all users list
$ApiUrl = ""
$Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $ApiUrl -ContentType "application\json" -Headers $headers
$Users = $Response.value