Export SharePoint List Items to CSV using PnP PowerShell

In SharePoint, the List is a collection of content that has rows (List Items) and columns (Item fields).  The list can be a Generic List that is used to store generic information and a Document library list that is used to store files. In this blog, we will explore how to retrieve SharePoint Online list items using PnP PowerShell and export the result to a CSV file.

Before you start, run the following command to install the latest PnP PowerShell module if you have not already installed it.

Install-Module -Name "PnP.PowerShell"

We can use the Get-PnPListItem cmdlet to get all list items from a SharePoint Online Site. The below commands retrieve the list items from the given list.

# Provide Site URL and List name
$SiteURL = "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/site_name"
$ListName = "ProductList"
Try {
# Connect to PnP Online
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL
# Get List Items
$ListItems= (Get-PnPListItem -List $ListName -Fields "Title","ProductName","ProductVersion")  
ForEach($ListItem in $ListItems)
Write-Host "Title" : $ListItem["Title"]  
Write-Host "ProductName" : $ListItem["ProductName"]  
Write-Host "ProductVersion" : $ListItem["ProductVersion"]   
Write-Host "#####################################"  

catch {
Write-host "Error occured: $_" -f Red

Export SharePoint Online List Items to CSV file

The following commands fetch the list items from the given list and export the details to a CSV file.

# Provide Site URL and List name
$SiteURL = "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/site_name"
$ListName = "ProductList"
# Connect to PnP Online
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL

$Result = @()
# Get List Items
$ListItems= (Get-PnPListItem -List $ListName -Fields "Title","ProductName","ProductVersion")  
ForEach($ListItem in $ListItems)
$Result += New-Object PSObject -property $([ordered]@{ 
Title = $ListItem["Title"]  
ProductName = $ListItem["ProductName"]
ProductVersion = $ListItem["ProductVersion"] 
# Export the result to CSV
$Result | Export-CSV "C:\SPOListItems.CSV" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8  