The Microsoft Edge internet browser is one of the most popular options available. It’s fast, secure, and comes with a host of features that make it ideal for both casual browsing and more intensive activities like streaming video or online gaming.
If you are on the fence about giving Edge a try, here are 13 reasons that ought to change your mind.
1. Speed –
Microsoft Edge is powered by the Chromium engine, which means pages load quickly and make navigating the web faster than ever before.
The browser supports hardware acceleration, allowing it to use your computer’s graphics processor instead of relying solely on the CPU for smoother performance.
2. Security –
Microsoft Edge keeps your browsing safe and secure with its built-in Windows Defender SmartScreen feature, which blocks phishing sites and malicious downloads from running on your computer.
It also has a “Tracking Prevention” setting to stop websites from tracking your activity as you browse the web.
3. Compatibility –
Edge is compatible with almost all modern operating systems, including Windows 10, iOS (iPadOS), Android, and Linux. You can even get the Edge browser for Mac.
The browser is optimized for touch screens so that users can navigate websites easily with their fingertips.
4. Design –
Microsoft Edge was designed with user experience in mind. Its streamlined interface makes searching easy, while clutter-free tabs keep you organized when working on multiple projects at once.
Plus, its customizable themes allow you to further personalize your browsing experience’s look and feel.
5. Read Mode –
The read mode strips websites down to their core content by removing any distracting ads and other elements that may slow down the loading time so you can focus on what’s important without any distractions.
6. Collections –
This feature allows users to easily collect content from different websites, such as images, notes, or articles, into one shareable location, making the organization more manageable.
Users can even add comments or highlight specific text for later reference if needed.
7. Tracking Protection –
Microsoft Edge helps protect your privacy by preventing advertisers from tracking what websites you visit or which links you click on when using the internet browser.
With this enabled, companies won’t be able to build profiles of your activity or follow what interests you have online.
8. Cross-Platform Syncing –
If you’re an active user who uses multiple devices, then this feature will come in handy. It lets users sync data across devices so they can pick up where they left off regardless of which device they’re using at any given moment.
9. Extensions & Add-Ons –
If there’s something missing from Edge’s standard capabilities, then never fear; tons of extensions are available to add functions, such as password managers or even a dark mode, for easier nighttime surfing sessions.
10. Inking Tools –
Suppose handwriting or drawing tools are more your style. In that case, Microsoft Edge has got you covered here with its ‘Inking’ tools that let users write directly onto webpages to better communicate ideas or annotate documents quickly and easily.
11. Cortana Integration –
For those looking for a digital assistant to help them out along their journey through the web, then Microsoft’s voice-controlled assistant Cortana could be just what they need.
She’ll track where you’ve been online and provide helpful advice, all while keeping an eye out for potential threats.
12. Game Bar –
Gamers rejoice; Edge now comes equipped with a game bar that allows gamers to take screenshots mid-game as well as record gameplay footage – perfect for sharing highlights on social media afterward, too.
13. Hub View –
Finally, if organizing your tabs is becoming difficult due to having too many open at once, never fear;
Edge’s Hub View lets users group their tabs together according to a topic, meaning no more scrolling through endless tabs trying to figure out where that article was saved earlier.
As you can see, there are plenty of good reasons to try out Microsoft Edge today; faster page loads combined with enhanced security features and compatibility across devices make it an ideal choice for casual browser needs and power users.
So don’t hesitate—give it a go.
I must say that the new Edge is really fantastic, it completely replaced Chrome on my PCs.
I like many of its features, including the ctrl-shift-X and S, but also the functionalities of the new bing assistant (except I don’t like the side bar)