We can use the SharePoint Online Powershell cmdlet Set-SPOSite to set storage quota and storage warning size limit. Before proceed, run the following command to connect Sharepoint Online powershell module.
Connect-SPOService -Url https://<tanentname>-admin.sharepoint.com -Credential [email protected]
Now, run the following script to set storage quota and warning level.
$StorageQuota= 2048 # 2GB or 2048MB $WarningLevel = 1800 # 1800MB $siteUrl ="https://<tanentname>.sharepoint.com/sites/<group-name>" Set-SPOSite -Identity $siteUrl -StorageQuota $StorageQuota -StorageQuotaWarningLevel $WarningLevel
Set Storage Quota for all Office 365 Groups Site
To set the storage quota for all the Office 365 Groups, first, we need to get sharepoint site url for all the office 365 groups by using Exchange Online cmdlet Get-UnifiedGroup. The following powershell script update storage quota and warning level for all the office 365 groups. You need to replace your own Office 365 tenant name and admin credentials.
$userName ="admin@<tanentname>.onmicrosoft.com" $o365Cred = Get-Credential -UserName $userName -Message "Enter Office 365 Admin Credentials" $o365Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/ -Credential $o365Cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $o365Session $spoAdminUrl ="https://<tanentname>-admin.sharepoint.com/" Connect-SPOService -Url $spoAdminUrl -Credential $o365Cred $O365Groups = Get-UnifiedGroup -ResultSize Unlimited $StorageQuota= 2048 # 2GB or 2048MB $WarningLevel = 1800 # 1800MB ForEach ($O365Group in $O365Groups){ If($O365Group.SharePointSiteUrl -ne $null) { $siteUrl = $O365Group.SharePointSiteUrl Set-SPOSite -Identity $siteUrl -StorageQuota $StorageQuota -StorageQuotaWarningLevel $WarningLevel } }
Once you set the storage quota, you can use the Powershell cmdlet Get-SPOSite to get current storage quota and warning level. The following script list storage quota of all the office 365 groups site.
$O365Groups = Get-UnifiedGroup -ResultSize Unlimited $CustomResult=@() ForEach ($O365Group in $O365Groups){ If($O365Group.SharePointSiteUrl -ne $null) { $O365GroupSite=Get-SPOSite -Identity $O365Group.SharePointSiteUrl $CustomResult += [PSCustomObject] @{ GroupName = $O365Group.DisplayName SiteUrl = $O365GroupSite.Url StorageQuota_inGB = $O365GroupSite.StorageQuota/1024 WarningSize_inGB = $O365GroupSite.StorageQuotaWarningLevel/1024 CurrentStorage_inMB = $O365GroupSite.StorageUsageCurrent } }} $CustomResult | FT